Endodontic Treatment
Are you experiencing prolonged sensitivity to temperature or severe pain in the teeth and gums? You may be in need of root canal treatment.
At the centre of each tooth is a collection of nerves and blood vessels called the dental pulp. Infection or inflammation of the pulp can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks and chips, or repeated dental procedures. Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that replaces damaged or infected pulp with a root filling. Root canal treatment is performed to relieve pain and treat infection within the tooth. A root canal can save teeth with injured pulp and prevent the need for extraction, dental implants or bridges.
Our in-house endodontist and can help with:
Endodontist and can help
Comprehensive and Affordable
Root Canal Treatment and Endodontics
At Gentle Dental Care we use state-of-the-art technology such as operating microscopes, digital imaging, ultrasonic instrumentation and fibre optics to ensure the most comfortable and efficient treatment possible.
These days, a root canal treatment can usually be performed pain free. Stop putting off a visit to the dentist and start taking care of your teeth today.
Root Canal
Treatment Aftercare
Following your root canal treatment, your dentist will work with you to decide on the type of restoration procedures necessary to protect your tooth. Root canal treatment can structurally weaken the tooth making a susceptible to fracture. It is often recommended that a root canal-treated tooth be crowned afterward to prevent a catastrophic fracture.
If you’re having problems following root canal treatment, give us a call or enquire online for a follow-up appointment.
Gentle Dental Clinics Sydney
We have 7 dental clinics across Sydney, see below for a clinic near you.